254-bit prime field TwistedEdwards curve.Curve from https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/130.pdf. No generator present.
p = 0x3f80ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffK = GF(p)a = K(0x3f80fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe)d = K(0x367b)E = EllipticCurve(K, (K(-1/48) * (a^2 + 14*a*d + d^2),K(1/864) * (a + d) * (-a^2 + 34*a*d - d^2)))def to_weierstrass(a, d, x, y):return ((5*a + a*y - 5*d*y - d)/(12 - 12*y), (a + a*y - d*y -d)/(4*x - 4*x*y))def to_twistededwards(a, d, u, v):y = (5*a - 12*u - d)/(-12*u - a + 5*d)x = (a + a*y - d*y -d)/(4*v - 4*v*y)return (x, y)# No generator definedE.set_order(0xfe03fffffffffffffffffffffffffffeb95306c8bd62fb0eaf3d3fec46e98c7 * 0x04)# This curve is a Weierstrass curve (SAGE does not support TwistedEdwards curves) birationally equivalent to the intended curve.# You can use the to_weierstrass and to_twistededwards functions to convert the points.
{"name": "ed-254-mont","desc": "Curve from https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/130.pdf. No generator present.","form": "TwistedEdwards","field": {"type": "Prime","p": "0x3f80ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff","bits": 254},"params": {"a": {"raw": "0x3f80fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe"},"d": {"raw": "0x367b"}},"order": "0xfe03fffffffffffffffffffffffffffeb95306c8bd62fb0eaf3d3fec46e98c7","cofactor": "0x04"}