Source code for

"""Provides functions for matching a pattern within a trace to it."""
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from public import public
from typing import List

from .process import normalize
from .edit import trim
from .trace import Trace

[docs] @public def match_pattern(trace: Trace, pattern: Trace, threshold: float = 0.8) -> List[int]: """ Match a :paramref:`~.match_pattern.pattern` to a :paramref:`~.match_pattern.trace`. Return the indices where the pattern matches, e.g. those where correlation of the two traces has peaks larger than :paramref:`~.match_pattern.threshold`. Uses the :py:func:`scipy.signal.find_peaks` function. :param trace: The trace to match into. :param pattern: The pattern to match. :param threshold: The threshold passed to :py:func:`scipy.signal.find_peaks` as a ``prominence`` value. :return: Indices where the pattern matches. """ normalized = normalize(trace) pattern_samples = normalize(pattern).samples correlation = np.correlate(normalized.samples, pattern_samples, "same") correlation = (correlation - np.mean(correlation)) / (np.max(correlation)) peaks, props = find_peaks(correlation, prominence=(threshold, None)) pairs = sorted(zip(peaks, props["prominences"]), key=lambda it: it[1], reverse=True) half = len(pattern_samples) // 2 filtered_peaks: List[int] = [] for peak, _ in pairs: if not filtered_peaks: filtered_peaks.append(peak - half) else: for other_peak in filtered_peaks: if abs((peak - half) - other_peak) <= len(pattern_samples): break else: filtered_peaks.append(peak - half) return filtered_peaks
[docs] @public def match_part( trace: Trace, offset: int, length: int, threshold: float = 0.8 ) -> List[int]: """ Match a part of a :paramref:`~.match_part.trace` starting at :paramref:`~.match_part.offset` of :paramref:`~.match_part.length` to the :paramref:`~.match_part.trace`. Returns indices where the pattern matches, e.g. those where correlation of the two traces has peaks larger than :paramref:`~.match_part.threshold`. Uses the :py:func:`scipy.signal.find_peaks` function. :param trace: The trace to match into. :param offset: The start of the pattern in the trace to match. :param length: The length of the pattern in the trace to match. :param threshold: The threshold passed to :py:func:`scipy.signal.find_peaks` as a ``prominence`` value. :return: Indices where the part of the trace matches matches. """ return match_pattern(trace, trim(trace, offset, offset + length), threshold)