Source code for

"""Provides an abstract target class communicating using the `ChipWhisperer's <>`_ SimpleSerial protocol."""
from abc import ABC
from time import time_ns, sleep
from typing import Mapping, Union

from public import public

from .serial import SerialTarget

[docs] @public class SimpleSerialMessage: """A SimpleSerial message consisting of a starting character and a hexadecimal string.""" char: str data: str def __init__(self, char: str, data: str): self.char = char = data
[docs] @staticmethod def from_raw(raw: Union[str, bytes]) -> "SimpleSerialMessage": if isinstance(raw, bytes): raw = raw.decode() return SimpleSerialMessage(raw[0], raw[1:])
def __bytes__(self): return str(self).encode() def __str__(self): return self.char + def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] @public class SimpleSerialTarget(SerialTarget, ABC): """A SimpleSerial-ish target, sends and receives SimpleSerial messages over a serial link."""
[docs] def recv_msgs(self, timeout: int) -> Mapping[str, SimpleSerialMessage]: """ Receive :py:class:`SimpleSerialMessage` messages, while waiting upto :paramref:`~.recv_msgs.timeout` seconds. :param timeout: How long to wait. :return: The received messages with their char. """ start = time_ns() // 1000000 buffer = bytes() # Expect "z00" confirmation response, as in SimpleSerial 1. while not buffer.endswith(b"z00\n"): wait = timeout - ((time_ns() // 1000000) - start) if wait <= 0: break buffer += if not buffer else 0, wait) if not buffer: return {} msgs = buffer.split(b"\n") if buffer.endswith(b"\n"): msgs.pop() result = {} for raw in msgs: msg = SimpleSerialMessage.from_raw(raw) result[msg.char] = msg return result
[docs] def send_cmd( self, cmd: SimpleSerialMessage, timeout: int ) -> Mapping[str, SimpleSerialMessage]: """ Send a :py:class:`SimpleSerialMessage` and receive the response messages that the command produces, within a :paramref:`~.send_cmd.timeout`. :param cmd: The command message to send. :param timeout: The timeout value to wait for the responses. :return: A mapping of the starting character of the message to the message. """ data = bytes(cmd) for i in range(0, len(data), 64): chunk = data[i : i + 64] sleep(0.010) self.write(chunk) self.write(b"\n") return self.recv_msgs(timeout)