Source code for

"""Provides an oscilloscope class for PicoScope branded oscilloscopes using the official `picosdk-python-wrappers <>`_."""
import ctypes
from math import log2, floor
from time import time_ns, sleep
from typing import cast, Mapping, Optional, MutableMapping, Union, Tuple

import numpy as np
from picosdk.errors import CannotFindPicoSDKError
from picosdk.functions import assert_pico_ok
from picosdk.library import Library

    from picosdk.ps3000 import ps3000
except CannotFindPicoSDKError as exc:
    ps3000 = exc
    from picosdk.ps3000a import ps3000a
except CannotFindPicoSDKError as exc:
    ps3000a = exc
    from picosdk.ps4000 import ps4000
except CannotFindPicoSDKError as exc:
    ps4000 = exc
    from picosdk.ps5000 import ps5000
except CannotFindPicoSDKError as exc:
    ps5000 = exc
    from picosdk.ps6000 import ps6000
except CannotFindPicoSDKError as exc:
    ps6000 = exc
from public import public

from import Scope, SampleType
from import Trace

def adc2volt(
        adc: Union[np.ndarray, ctypes.c_int16],
        volt_range: float,
        adc_minmax: int,
) -> Union[np.ndarray, float]:  # pragma: no cover
    Convert raw adc values to volts.

    :param adc: Either a single value (:py:class:`ctypes.c_int16`) or an array (:py:class:`np.ndarray`) of those to convert.
    :param volt_range: The voltage range used for collecting the samples.
    :param adc_minmax:
    :param dtype: The numpy ``dtype`` of the output.
    :return: The converted values.
    if isinstance(adc, ctypes.c_int16):
        return (adc.value / adc_minmax) * volt_range
    if isinstance(adc, np.ndarray):
        return ((adc / adc_minmax) * volt_range).astype(dtype=dtype, copy=False)
    raise ValueError

def volt2adc(
        volt: Union[np.ndarray, float], volt_range: float, adc_minmax: int, dtype=np.float32
) -> Union[np.ndarray, ctypes.c_int16]:  # pragma: no cover
    Convert volt values to raw adc values.

    :param volt: Either a single value (:py:class:`float`) or an array (:py:class:`np.ndarray`) of those to convert.
    :param volt_range: The voltage range used for collecting the samples.
    :param adc_minmax:
    :param dtype: The numpy ``dtype`` of the output.
    :return: The converted values.
    if isinstance(volt, float):
        return ctypes.c_int16(int((volt / volt_range) * adc_minmax))
    if isinstance(volt, np.ndarray):
        return ((volt / volt_range) * adc_minmax).astype(dtype=dtype, copy=False)
    raise ValueError

[docs] @public class PicoScopeSdk(Scope): # pragma: no cover """PicoScope based scope.""" MODULE: Library PREFIX: str CHANNELS: Mapping RANGES: Mapping MAX_ADC_VALUE: int MIN_ADC_VALUE: int COUPLING: Mapping TIME_UNITS: Mapping TRIGGERS: Mapping = {"above": 0, "below": 1, "rising": 2, "falling": 3} _variant: Optional[str] def __init__(self, variant: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__() self.handle: ctypes.c_int16 = ctypes.c_int16() self.frequency: Optional[int] = None self.pretrig: Optional[int] = None self.posttrig: Optional[int] = None self.samples: Optional[int] = None self.timebase: Optional[int] = None self.buffers: MutableMapping = {} self.ranges: MutableMapping = {} self._variant = variant
[docs] def open(self) -> None: assert_pico_ok(self._dispatch_call("OpenUnit", ctypes.byref(self.handle)))
@property def channels(self): return list(self.CHANNELS.keys())
[docs] def get_variant(self): if self._variant is not None: return self._variant info = ctypes.create_string_buffer(6) size = ctypes.c_int16() assert_pico_ok( self._dispatch_call( "GetUnitInfo", self.handle, info, ctypes.c_int16(6), ctypes.byref(size), ctypes.c_uint(3) ) ) self._variant = "".join(chr(i) for i in info[: size.value - 1]) # type: ignore return self._variant
[docs] def setup_frequency( self, frequency: int, pretrig: int, posttrig: int ) -> Tuple[int, int]: return self.set_frequency(frequency, pretrig, posttrig)
[docs] def set_channel( self, channel: str, enabled: bool, coupling: str, range: float, offset: float ): if offset != 0.0: raise ValueError("Nonzero offset not supported.") if channel not in self.CHANNELS: raise ValueError(f"Channel {channel} not in available channels: {self.CHANNELS.keys()}") if coupling not in self.COUPLING: raise ValueError(f"Coupling {coupling} not in available couplings: {self.COUPLING.keys()}") if range not in self.RANGES: raise ValueError(f"Range {range} not in available ranges: {self.RANGES.keys()}") assert_pico_ok( self._dispatch_call( "SetChannel", self.handle, self.CHANNELS[channel], enabled, self.COUPLING[coupling], self.RANGES[range], ) ) self.ranges[channel] = range
[docs] def setup_channel( self, channel: str, coupling: str, range: float, offset: float, enable: bool ): self.set_channel(channel, enable, coupling, range, offset)
def _set_freq( self, frequency: int, pretrig: int, posttrig: int, period_bound: float, timebase_bound: int, low_freq: int, high_freq: int, high_subtract: int, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: samples = pretrig + posttrig period = 1 / frequency if low_freq == 0 or period > period_bound: tb = floor(high_freq / frequency + high_subtract) actual_frequency = high_freq // (tb - high_subtract) else: tb = min(floor(log2(low_freq) - log2(frequency)), timebase_bound) actual_frequency = low_freq // 2 ** tb max_samples = ctypes.c_int32() interval_nanoseconds = ctypes.c_int32() assert_pico_ok( self._dispatch_call( "GetTimebase", self.handle, tb, samples, ctypes.byref(interval_nanoseconds), 0, ctypes.byref(max_samples), 0 ) ) if max_samples.value < samples: pretrig = max_samples.value * (pretrig // samples) posttrig = max_samples.value - pretrig samples = max_samples.value self.frequency = actual_frequency self.samples = samples self.pretrig = pretrig self.posttrig = posttrig self.timebase = tb return actual_frequency, samples
[docs] def set_frequency( self, frequency: int, pretrig: int, posttrig: int ) -> Tuple[int, int]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def setup_trigger( self, channel: str, threshold: float, direction: str, delay: int, timeout: int, enable: bool, ): self.set_trigger(direction, enable, threshold, channel, delay, timeout)
[docs] def set_trigger( self, type: str, enabled: bool, value: float, channel: str, delay: int, timeout: int, ): assert_pico_ok( self._dispatch_call( "SetSimpleTrigger", self.handle, enabled, self.CHANNELS[channel], volt2adc(value, self.ranges[channel], self.MAX_ADC_VALUE), self.TRIGGERS[type], delay, timeout, ) )
[docs] def setup_capture(self, channel: str, enable: bool): self.set_buffer(channel, enable)
[docs] def set_buffer(self, channel: str, enable: bool): if self.samples is None: raise ValueError if enable: if channel in self.buffers: del self.buffers[channel] buffer = (ctypes.c_int16 * self.samples)() assert_pico_ok( self._dispatch_call( "SetDataBuffer", self.handle, self.CHANNELS[channel], ctypes.byref(buffer), self.samples, ) ) self.buffers[channel] = buffer else: assert_pico_ok( self._dispatch_call( "SetDataBuffer", self.handle, self.CHANNELS[channel], None, self.samples, ) ) del self.buffers[channel]
[docs] def arm(self): if self.samples is None or self.timebase is None: raise ValueError assert_pico_ok( self._dispatch_call( "RunBlock", self.handle, self.pretrig, self.posttrig, self.timebase, 0, None, 0, None, None, ) )
[docs] def capture(self, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: start = time_ns() if self.samples is None: raise ValueError ready = ctypes.c_int16(0) check = ctypes.c_int16(0) while ready.value == check.value: sleep(0.001) assert_pico_ok( self._dispatch_call("IsReady", self.handle, ctypes.byref(ready)) ) if timeout is not None and (time_ns() - start) / 1e6 >= timeout: return False return True
[docs] def retrieve( self, channel: str, type: SampleType, dtype=np.float32 ) -> Optional[Trace]: if self.samples is None: raise ValueError actual_samples = ctypes.c_int32(self.samples) overflow = ctypes.c_int16() assert_pico_ok( self._dispatch_call( "GetValues", self.handle, 0, ctypes.byref(actual_samples), 1, 0, 0, ctypes.byref(overflow), ) ) arr = np.array(self.buffers[channel], dtype=dtype) if type == SampleType.Raw: data = arr else: data = cast( np.ndarray, adc2volt(arr, self.ranges[channel], self.MAX_ADC_VALUE, dtype=dtype), ) return Trace( data, { "sampling_frequency": self.frequency, "channel": channel, "sample_type": type, }, )
[docs] def stop(self): assert_pico_ok(self._dispatch_call("Stop"))
[docs] def close(self): assert_pico_ok(self._dispatch_call("CloseUnit", self.handle))
def _dispatch_call(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ A unit-generic call of a picoscope SDK method. """ method = getattr(self.MODULE, self.PREFIX + name) if method is None: raise ValueError return method(*args, **kwargs)
if isinstance(ps3000, CannotFindPicoSDKError): @public class PS3000Scope(PicoScopeSdk): # noqa, pragma: no cover, skipcq """PicoScope 3000 series oscilloscope is not available (Install `libps3000`).""" def __init__(self, variant: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(variant) raise ps3000 else: # pragma: no cover
[docs] @public class PS3000Scope(PicoScopeSdk): # type: ignore """PicoScope 3000 series oscilloscope.""" MODULE = ps3000 PREFIX = "ps3000" CHANNELS = { "A": ps3000.PS3000_CHANNEL["PS3000_CHANNEL_A"], "B": ps3000.PS3000_CHANNEL["PS3000_CHANNEL_B"], "C": ps3000.PS3000_CHANNEL["PS3000_CHANNEL_C"], "D": ps3000.PS3000_CHANNEL["PS3000_CHANNEL_D"], } RANGES = { 0.02: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_20MV"], 0.05: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_50MV"], 0.10: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_100MV"], 0.20: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_200MV"], 0.50: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_500MV"], 1.00: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_1V"], 2.00: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_2V"], 5.00: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_5V"], 10.0: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_10V"], 20.0: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_20V"], 50.0: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_50V"], 100.0: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_100V"], 200.0: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_200V"], 400.0: ps3000.PS3000_VOLTAGE_RANGE["PS3000_400V"], } MAX_ADC_VALUE = 32767 MIN_ADC_VALUE = -32767 COUPLING = {"AC": ps3000.PICO_COUPLING["AC"], "DC": ps3000.PICO_COUPLING["DC"]}
[docs] def open(self) -> None: assert_pico_ok(self._dispatch_call("_open_unit")) # , ctypes.byref(self.handle)
[docs] def stop(self): assert_pico_ok(self._dispatch_call("_stop"))
[docs] def close(self): assert_pico_ok(self._dispatch_call("_close_unit", self.handle))
[docs] def get_variant(self): if self._variant is not None: return self._variant info = ctypes.create_string_buffer(6) size = ctypes.c_int16(6) info_variant = ctypes.c_int16(3) assert_pico_ok( self._dispatch_call( "_get_unit_info", self.handle, info, size, info_variant ) ) self._variant = "".join(chr(i) for i in info[: size.value - 1]) # type: ignore return self._variant
[docs] def set_frequency( self, frequency: int, pretrig: int, posttrig: int ): # TODO: fix raise NotImplementedError
if isinstance(ps3000a, CannotFindPicoSDKError): @public class PS3000aScope(PicoScopeSdk): # noqa, pragma: no cover, skipcq """PicoScope 3000 series (A API) oscilloscope is not available (Install `libps3000a`).""" def __init__(self, variant: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(variant) raise ps3000a else: # pragma: no cover
[docs] @public class PS3000aScope(PicoScopeSdk): # type: ignore """PicoScope 3000 series oscilloscope (A API).""" MODULE = ps3000a PREFIX = "ps3000a" CHANNELS = { "A": ps3000a.PS3000A_CHANNEL["PS3000A_CHANNEL_A"], "B": ps3000a.PS3000A_CHANNEL["PS3000A_CHANNEL_B"], "C": ps3000a.PS3000A_CHANNEL["PS3000A_CHANNEL_C"], "D": ps3000a.PS3000A_CHANNEL["PS3000A_CHANNEL_D"], } RANGES = { 0.01: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_10MV"], 0.02: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_20MV"], 0.05: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_50MV"], 0.10: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_100MV"], 0.20: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_200MV"], 0.50: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_500MV"], 1.00: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_1V"], 2.00: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_2V"], 5.00: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_5V"], 10.0: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_10V"], 20.0: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_20V"], 50.0: ps3000a.PS3000A_RANGE["PS3000A_50V"] } MAX_ADC_VALUE = 32767 MIN_ADC_VALUE = -32767 COUPLING = {"AC": ps3000a.PICO_COUPLING["AC"], "DC": ps3000a.PICO_COUPLING["DC"]}
[docs] def open(self) -> None: assert_pico_ok(ps3000a.ps3000aOpenUnit(ctypes.byref(self.handle), None))
[docs] def set_channel( self, channel: str, enabled: bool, coupling: str, range: float, offset: float, ): if channel not in self.CHANNELS: raise ValueError(f"Channel {channel} not in available channels: {self.CHANNELS.keys()}") if coupling not in self.COUPLING: raise ValueError(f"Coupling {coupling} not in available couplings: {self.COUPLING.keys()}") if range not in self.RANGES: raise ValueError(f"Range {range} not in available ranges: {self.RANGES.keys()}") assert_pico_ok( ps3000a.ps3000aSetChannel( self.handle, self.CHANNELS[channel], enabled, self.COUPLING[coupling], self.RANGES[range], offset ) ) self.ranges[channel] = range
[docs] def set_buffer(self, channel: str, enable: bool): if self.samples is None: raise ValueError if enable: if channel in self.buffers: del self.buffers[channel] buffer = (ctypes.c_int16 * self.samples)() assert_pico_ok( ps3000a.ps3000aSetDataBuffer( self.handle, self.CHANNELS[channel], ctypes.byref(buffer), self.samples, 0, ps3000a.PS3000A_RATIO_MODE["PS3000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE"] ) ) self.buffers[channel] = buffer else: assert_pico_ok( ps3000a.ps3000aSetDataBuffer( self.handle, self.CHANNELS[channel], None, self.samples, 0, ps3000a.PS3000A_RATIO_MODE["PS3000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE"] ) ) del self.buffers[channel]
[docs] def set_frequency(self, frequency: int, pretrig: int, posttrig: int): variant = self.get_variant() if variant in ("3000A", "3000B"): # This only holds for the 2-channel versions # 4-channel versions have the settings from branch "D". return self._set_freq(frequency, pretrig, posttrig, 8e-9, 2, 500_000_000, 62_500_000, 2) elif variant == "3000": return self._set_freq(frequency, pretrig, posttrig, 4e-9, 1, 500_000_000, 125_000_000, 1) elif variant.endswith("D"): return self._set_freq(frequency, pretrig, posttrig, 4e-9, 2, 1_000_000_000, 125_000_000, 2)
# TODO: Needs more per-device settings to be generic. if isinstance(ps4000, CannotFindPicoSDKError): @public class PS4000Scope(PicoScopeSdk): # noqa, pragma: no cover, skipcq """PicoScope 4000 series oscilloscope is not available (Install `libps4000`).""" def __init__(self, variant: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(variant) raise ps4000 else: # pragma: no cover
[docs] @public class PS4000Scope(PicoScopeSdk): # type: ignore """PicoScope 4000 series oscilloscope.""" MODULE = ps4000 PREFIX = "ps4000" CHANNELS = { "A": ps4000.PS4000_CHANNEL["PS4000_CHANNEL_A"], "B": ps4000.PS4000_CHANNEL["PS4000_CHANNEL_B"], "C": ps4000.PS4000_CHANNEL["PS4000_CHANNEL_C"], "D": ps4000.PS4000_CHANNEL["PS4000_CHANNEL_D"], } RANGES = { 0.01: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_10MV"], 0.02: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_20MV"], 0.05: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_50MV"], 0.10: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_100MV"], 0.20: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_200MV"], 0.50: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_500MV"], 1.00: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_1V"], 2.00: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_2V"], 5.00: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_5V"], 10.0: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_10V"], 20.0: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_20V"], 50.0: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_50V"], 100.0: ps4000.PS4000_RANGE["PS4000_100V"], } MAX_ADC_VALUE = 32764 MIN_ADC_VALUE = -32764 COUPLING = {"AC": ps4000.PICO_COUPLING["AC"], "DC": ps4000.PICO_COUPLING["DC"]}
[docs] def set_frequency(self, frequency: int, pretrig: int, posttrig: int): variant = self.get_variant() if variant in ("4223", "4224", "4423", "4424"): return self._set_freq( frequency, pretrig, posttrig, 50e-9, 2, 80_000_000, 20_000_000, 1 ) elif variant in ("4226", "4227"): return self._set_freq( frequency, pretrig, posttrig, 32e-9, 3, 250_000_000, 31_250_000, 2 ) elif variant == "4262": return self._set_freq( frequency, pretrig, posttrig, 0, 0, 0, 10_000_000, -1 ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown variant: {variant}")
if isinstance(ps5000, CannotFindPicoSDKError): @public class PS5000Scope(PicoScopeSdk): # noqa, pragma: no cover, skipcq """PicoScope 5000 series oscilloscope is not available (Install `libps5000`).""" def __init__(self, variant: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(variant) raise ps5000 else: # pragma: no cover
[docs] @public class PS5000Scope(PicoScopeSdk): # type: ignore """PicoScope 5000 series oscilloscope.""" MODULE = ps5000 PREFIX = "ps5000" CHANNELS = { "A": ps5000.PS5000_CHANNEL["PS5000_CHANNEL_A"], "B": ps5000.PS5000_CHANNEL["PS5000_CHANNEL_B"], "C": ps5000.PS5000_CHANNEL["PS5000_CHANNEL_C"], "D": ps5000.PS5000_CHANNEL["PS5000_CHANNEL_D"], } RANGES = { 0.01: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_10MV"], 0.02: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_20MV"], 0.05: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_50MV"], 0.10: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_100MV"], 0.20: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_200MV"], 0.50: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_500MV"], 1.00: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_1V"], 2.00: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_2V"], 5.00: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_5V"], 10.0: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_10V"], 20.0: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_20V"], 50.0: ps5000.PS5000_RANGE["PS5000_50V"], } MAX_ADC_VALUE = 32512 MIN_ADC_VALUE = -32512 COUPLING = {"AC": 0, "DC": 1}
[docs] def set_frequency(self, frequency: int, pretrig: int, posttrig: int): return self._set_freq( frequency, pretrig, posttrig, 4e-9, 2, 1_000_000_000, 125_000_000, 2 )
if isinstance(ps6000, CannotFindPicoSDKError): @public class PS6000Scope(PicoScopeSdk): # noqa, pragma: no cover, skipcq """PicoScope 6000 series oscilloscope is not available (Install `libps6000`).""" def __init__(self, variant: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(variant) raise ps6000 else: # pragma: no cover
[docs] @public class PS6000Scope(PicoScopeSdk): # type: ignore """PicoScope 6000 series oscilloscope.""" MODULE = ps6000 PREFIX = "ps6000" CHANNELS = { "A": ps6000.PS6000_CHANNEL["PS6000_CHANNEL_A"], "B": ps6000.PS6000_CHANNEL["PS6000_CHANNEL_B"], "C": ps6000.PS6000_CHANNEL["PS6000_CHANNEL_C"], "D": ps6000.PS6000_CHANNEL["PS6000_CHANNEL_D"], } RANGES = { 0.01: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000A_10MV"], 0.02: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_20MV"], 0.05: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_50MV"], 0.10: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_100MV"], 0.20: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_200MV"], 0.50: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_500MV"], 1.00: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_1V"], 2.00: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_2V"], 5.00: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_5V"], 10.0: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_10V"], 20.0: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_20V"], 50.0: ps6000.PS6000_RANGE["PS6000_50V"], } MAX_ADC_VALUE = 32512 MIN_ADC_VALUE = -32512 COUPLING = { "AC": ps6000.PS6000_COUPLING["PS6000_AC"], "DC": ps6000.PS6000_COUPLING["PS6000_DC_1M"], "DC_50": ps6000.PS6000_COUPLING["PS6000_DC_50R"], }
[docs] def open(self): assert_pico_ok(ps6000.ps6000OpenUnit(ctypes.byref(self.handle), None))
[docs] def set_channel( self, channel: str, enabled: bool, coupling: str, range: float, offset: float, ): if channel not in self.CHANNELS: raise ValueError(f"Channel {channel} not in available channels: {self.CHANNELS.keys()}") if coupling not in self.COUPLING: raise ValueError(f"Coupling {coupling} not in available couplings: {self.COUPLING.keys()}") if range not in self.RANGES: raise ValueError(f"Range {range} not in available ranges: {self.RANGES.keys()}") assert_pico_ok( ps6000.ps6000SetChannel( self.handle, self.CHANNELS[channel], enabled, self.COUPLING[coupling], self.RANGES[range], offset, ps6000.PS6000_BANDWIDTH_LIMITER["PS6000_BW_FULL"], ) ) self.ranges[channel] = range
[docs] def set_buffer(self, channel: str, enable: bool): if self.samples is None: raise ValueError if enable: if channel in self.buffers: del self.buffers[channel] buffer = (ctypes.c_int16 * self.samples)() assert_pico_ok( ps6000.ps6000SetDataBuffer( self.handle, self.CHANNELS[channel], ctypes.byref(buffer), self.samples, 0, ) ) self.buffers[channel] = buffer else: assert_pico_ok( ps6000.ps6000SetDataBuffer( self.handle, self.CHANNELS[channel], None, self.samples, 0 ) ) del self.buffers[channel]
[docs] def set_frequency(self, frequency: int, pretrig: int, posttrig: int): return self._set_freq( frequency, pretrig, posttrig, 3.2e-9, 4, 5_000_000_000, 156_250_000, 4 )