Source code for

Tools for working with distinguishing maps and trees.


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Here we grow the trees.



from math import ceil, log2
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Mapping, Any, Set, List, Tuple, Optional, Dict

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from public import public
from anytree import RenderTree, NodeMixin, AbstractStyle, PreOrderIter

from ...misc.utils import log

[docs] @public class Map: """ A distinguishing map. :: domain ====== ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐ │P1 │P2 │P3 │P4 │P5 │P5 │ └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : cfg_map mapping ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐ codomain ======= ======= │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ ======== ┌────┬───┐ ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤ │cfg1│ 0│:::::::│ 0│ T │ F │ T │ F │ T │ T │ {T, F} ├────┼───┤ ├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤ │cfg2│ 1│:::::::│ 1│ F │ F │ F │ F │ T │ T │ ├────┼───┤ ├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤ │cfg3│ 2│:::::::│ 2│ T │ T │ F │ F │ T │ T │ └────┴───┘ └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘ """ mapping: pd.DataFrame """ A dataframe containing the map outputs. Both the columns and the index are simply numeric. The columns are the domain. The items in the rows are from the codomain. The index may have gaps. To map it back into the set of configs for each unique row, see the cfg_map. """ cfg_map: pd.DataFrame """ A dataframe containing the map from the cfgs to the index (integers). """ domain: List[Any] """ The (ordered) domain of the mapping. """ codomain: Set[Any] """ The (unordered) codomain of the mapping. """ def __init__( self, mapping: pd.DataFrame, cfg_map: pd.DataFrame, domain: List[Any], codomain: Set[Any], ): self.mapping = mapping self.cfg_map = cfg_map self.domain = domain self.codomain = codomain
[docs] @classmethod def from_sets( cls, cfgs: Set[Any], mapping: Mapping[Any, Set[Any]], deduplicate: bool = False ): if deduplicate: hash2cfg: Dict[int, Set[Any]] = {} hash2val: Dict[int, Set[Any]] = {} inputs = set() for cfg, val in mapping.items(): inputs.update(val) # TODO: Note this may cause collisions? h = hash(tuple(sorted(map(hash, val)))) if hash2val.setdefault(h, val) != val: raise ValueError("Collision in dedup!") hcfgs = hash2cfg.setdefault(h, set()) hcfgs.add(cfg) cfgs_l: List[Any] = [] cfgs_i = [] cfgs_vals = [] for i, (h, hcfgs) in enumerate(hash2cfg.items()): cfgs_l.extend(hcfgs) cfgs_i.extend([i] * len(hcfgs)) cfgs_vals.append(hash2val[h]) cfg_map = pd.DataFrame(cfgs_i, index=cfgs_l, columns=["vals"]) inputs_l = list(inputs) data = [[elem in val for elem in inputs_l] for val in cfgs_vals] else: cfgs_l = list(cfgs) cfg_map = pd.DataFrame( list(range(len(cfgs_l))), index=cfgs_l, columns=["vals"] ) inputs = set() for val in mapping.values(): inputs.update(val) inputs_l = list(inputs) data = [[elem in mapping[cfg] for elem in inputs_l] for cfg in cfgs_l] return Map(pd.DataFrame(data), cfg_map, inputs_l, {True, False})
[docs] @classmethod def from_io_maps(cls, cfgs: Set[Any], mapping: Mapping[Any, Mapping[Any, Any]]): cfgs_l = list(cfgs) cfg_map = pd.DataFrame(list(range(len(cfgs_l))), index=cfgs_l, columns=["vals"]) inputs: Set[Any] = set() codomain: Set[Any] = set() has_na = False for io_map in mapping.values(): new = set(io_map.keys()) if inputs and new != inputs: # Map of some cfg doesn't have some inputs, we will fill in None. has_na = True inputs.update(new) codomain.update(io_map.values()) if has_na: codomain.add(None) inputs_l = list(inputs) data = [[mapping[cfg].get(elem, None) for elem in inputs_l] for cfg in cfgs_l] return Map(pd.DataFrame(data), cfg_map, inputs_l, codomain)
@property def cfgs(self) -> Set[Any]: return set(self.cfg_map.index) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, tuple): cfg, inp = item row = self.cfg_map.loc[[cfg], "vals"].iloc[0] col = self.domain.index(inp) return self.mapping.loc[row, col] else: raise KeyError
[docs] def deduplicate(self): """Deduplicate the configs of this distinguishing map based on the rows.""" indices = [] def agg(thing): indices.append(thing.index) return thing.iloc[0] self.mapping = self.mapping.groupby( self.mapping.columns.tolist(), as_index=False, dropna=False ).agg(agg) new_cfg_map = self.cfg_map.copy() for i, index in enumerate(indices): new_cfg_map.loc[self.cfg_map["vals"].isin(index), "vals"] = i self.cfg_map = new_cfg_map
[docs] def merge(self, other: "Map"): """Merge in another distinguishing map operating on different configs.""" # Domains should be equal (but only as sets, we can reorder) if set(self.domain) != set(other.domain): raise ValueError("Cannot merge dmaps with different domains.") reordering = [other.domain.index(elem) for elem in self.domain] # Get the last used index in cfg_map last = max(self.cfg_map["vals"]) # Offset the other cfg_map and mapping index by last + 1 other_cfg_map = other.cfg_map + (last + 1) other_mapping = other.mapping[reordering].set_index( other.mapping.index + (last + 1) ) # Now concat the cfg_map and mapping self.cfg_map = pd.concat([self.cfg_map, other_cfg_map], copy=False) self.mapping = pd.concat([self.mapping, other_mapping], copy=False) # Finally, adjust the codomain self.codomain.update(other.codomain)
[docs] def describe(self) -> str: return "\n".join( ( f"Total configs: {len(self.cfg_map)}, ({self.cfg_map.memory_usage(index=True).sum():_} bytes)", f"Rows: {len(self.mapping)}, ({self.mapping.memory_usage(index=True).sum():_} bytes)", f"Inputs: {len(self.domain)}", f"Codomain: {len(self.codomain)}", f"None in codomain: {None in self.codomain}", ) )
[docs] @public class Node(NodeMixin): """A node in a distinguishing tree.""" cfgs: Set[Any] """Set of configs associated with this node.""" response: Optional[Any] """The response to the *previous* oracle call that resulted in this node.""" dmap_index: Optional[int] """The dmap index to be used for the oracle call for this node.""" dmap_input: Optional[Any] """The input for the oracle call for this node (is from dmap at dmap_index in the Tree).""" def __init__( self, cfgs: Set[Any], dmap_index: Optional[int] = None, dmap_input: Optional[Any] = None, response: Optional[Any] = None, parent=None, children=None, ): self.cfgs = cfgs self.dmap_index = dmap_index self.dmap_input = dmap_input self.response = response self.parent = parent if children: self.children = children def __hash__(self): return hash((Node, tuple(sorted(map(hash, self.cfgs))))) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Node): return False return ( self.cfgs == other.cfgs and self.dmap_index == other.dmap_index and self.dmap_input == other.dmap_input and self.response == other.response )
[docs] @public class Tree: """A distinguishing tree.""" maps: List[Map] """A list of dmaps. Nodes index into this when choosing which oracle to use.""" root: Node """A root of the tree.""" def __init__(self, root: Node, *maps: Map): self.maps = list(maps) self.root = root @property def leaves(self) -> Tuple[Node]: """Get the leaves of the tree as a tuple.""" return self.root.leaves @property def height(self) -> int: """Get the height of the tree (distance from the root to the deepest leaf).""" return self.root.height @property def size(self) -> int: """Get the size of the tree (number of nodes).""" return self.root.size @property def precise(self) -> bool: """Whether the tree is precise (all leaves have only a single configuration).""" return all(len(leaf.cfgs) == 1 for leaf in self.leaves)
[docs] def render(self) -> str: """Render the tree.""" style = AbstractStyle("\u2502 ", "\u251c\u2500\u2500", "\u2514\u2500\u2500") def _str(n: Node): pre = f">{n.response} " if n.response is not None else "" if n.is_leaf: return pre + "\n".join(str(cfg) for cfg in n.cfgs) else: return pre + f"{n.dmap_index}({n.dmap_input})" return RenderTree(self.root, style=style).by_attr(_str)
[docs] def render_basic(self) -> str: """Render the tree in a basic form, with number of configs as nodes.""" return RenderTree(self.root).by_attr(lambda node: str(len(node.cfgs)))
[docs] def describe(self) -> str: """Describe some important properties of the tree.""" lsize = log2(self.size) leaf_sizes = [len(leaf.cfgs) for leaf in self.leaves] leaf_depths = [leaf.depth for leaf in self.leaves] avg_leaf_depth = np.mean(leaf_depths) avg_leaf_size = np.mean(leaf_sizes) leafs_wsize: List[int] = sum(([size] * size for size in leaf_sizes), []) leafs_wdepth: List[int] = sum( ([depth] * size for size, depth in zip(leaf_sizes, leaf_depths)), [] ) mean_res_depth = np.mean(leafs_wdepth) mean_res_size = np.mean(leafs_wsize) balance = ( "\n".join( ( "\nBalancedness:", f"\theight/log2(size) = {self.height / lsize:.3f}", f"\tavg_leaf_depth/log2(size) = {avg_leaf_depth / lsize:.3f}", f"\tmean_res_depth/log2(size) = {mean_res_depth / lsize:.3f}", ) ) if all(len(dmap.codomain) == 2 for dmap in self.maps) else "" ) probs = {self.root: 1.0} for node in PreOrderIter(self.root): if node.is_leaf: continue proba = probs[node] children = node.children n = len(children) for child in children: probs[child] = proba / n random_walk_depth = sum(probs[leaf] * leaf.depth for leaf in self.leaves) random_walk_size = sum(probs[leaf] * len(leaf.cfgs) for leaf in self.leaves) return ( "\n".join( ( f"Dmaps: {len(self.maps)}", f"Total cfgs: {len(self.root.cfgs)}", f"Height: {self.height}", f"Size: {self.size}", f"Leaves: {len(leaf_sizes)}", f"Precise: {self.precise}", f"Leaf sizes: {sorted(leaf_sizes)}", f"Leaf depths: {sorted(leaf_depths)}", f"Average leaf depth: {avg_leaf_depth:.3f}", f"Average leaf size: {avg_leaf_size:.3f}", f"Random walk leaf depth: {random_walk_depth:.3f}", f"Random walk leaf size: {random_walk_size:.3f}", f"Mean result depth: {mean_res_depth:.3f}", f"Mean result size: {mean_res_size:.3f}", ) ) + balance )
[docs] def expand(self, dmap: Map) -> "Tree": """Expand a tree with a new distinguishing map.""" tree = Tree(deepcopy(self.root), *self.maps, dmap) for leaf in tree.leaves: expanded = _build_tree( leaf.cfgs, {len(self.maps): dmap}, response=leaf.response ) # If we were able to split the leaf further, then replace it with the found tree. if not expanded.is_leaf: parent = leaf.parent leaf.parent = None expanded.parent = parent return tree
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, cfgs: Set[Any], *maps: Map) -> "Tree": """Build a tree.""" return cls(_build_tree(cfgs, dict(enumerate(maps))), *maps)
def _degree(split: pd.Series) -> float: return len(split) def _size_of_largest(split: pd.Series) -> float: return max(split) def _average_size(split: pd.Series) -> float: return sum(split**2) / sum(split) def _build_tree( cfgs: Set[Any], maps: Mapping[int, Map], response: Optional[Any] = None, depth: int = 0, ) -> Node: pad = " " * depth # If there is only one remaining cfg, we do not need to continue and just return (base case 1). # Note that n_cfgs will never be 0 here, as the base case 2 returns if the cfgs cannot # be split into two sets (one would be empty). n_cfgs = len(cfgs) log(pad + f"Splitting {n_cfgs}.") cfgset = set(cfgs) if n_cfgs == 1: log(pad + "Trivial.") return Node(cfgset, response=response) # Go over the maps and figure out which one splits the best. best_i = None best_dmap = None best_restricted = None best_column = None best_score = None for i, dmap in maps.items(): # Now we have a map, it may be binary or have larger output domain # Note we should look at the restriction of the map to the current "cfgs" and split those restricted = dmap.mapping.loc[dmap.cfg_map.loc[list(cfgs), "vals"]] for j, column in restricted.items(): split = column.value_counts(dropna=False) # TODO: Try the other scores. score = _size_of_largest(split) if best_score is None or score < best_score: best_i = i best_column = j best_dmap = dmap best_score = score best_restricted = restricted # Early abort if optimal score is hit. if score == ceil(n_cfgs / len(dmap.codomain)): break # We found nothing distinguishing the configs, so return them all (base case 2). if best_column is None or best_dmap is None: log(pad + "Nothing could split.") return Node(cfgset, response=response) best_distinguishing_element = best_dmap.domain[best_column] # Now we have a dmap as well as an element in it that splits the best. # Go over the groups of configs that share the response groups = best_restricted.groupby(best_column, dropna=False) # type: ignore # We found nothing distinguishing the configs, so return them all (base case 2). if groups.ngroups == 1: log(pad + "Trivial split.") return Node(cfgset, response=response) # Create our node dmap_index = best_i result = Node(cfgset, dmap_index, best_distinguishing_element, response=response) # Go over the distinct group for output, group in groups: # Lookup the cfgs in the group group_cfgs = set( best_dmap.cfg_map.index[best_dmap.cfg_map["vals"].isin(group.index)] ) log(pad + f"Split {len(group_cfgs)} via dmap {best_i}.") # And build the tree recursively child = _build_tree(group_cfgs, maps, response=output, depth=depth + 1) child.parent = result return result