Source code for

Provides functions for obtaining domain parameters from the `std-curves <>`_ repository [STD]_.

It also provides a domain parameter class and a class for a whole category of domain parameters.
import json
import csv
from sympy import Poly, FF, symbols
from astunparse import unparse
from io import RawIOBase, BufferedIOBase
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, BinaryIO, List, Callable, IO
from importlib_resources import files

from public import public

from ..misc.cache import sympify
from .coordinates import AffineCoordinateModel, CoordinateModel
from .curve import EllipticCurve
from .error import raise_unsatisified_assumption
from .mod import Mod
from .model import (
from .point import Point, InfinityPoint
from ..misc.cfg import getconfig

[docs] @public class DomainParameters: """Domain parameters which specify a subgroup on an elliptic curve.""" curve: EllipticCurve generator: Point order: int cofactor: int name: Optional[str] category: Optional[str] def __init__( self, curve: EllipticCurve, generator: Point, order: int, cofactor: int, name: Optional[str] = None, category: Optional[str] = None, ): self.curve = curve self.generator = generator self.order = order self.cofactor = cofactor = name self.category = category def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, DomainParameters): return False return ( self.curve == other.curve and self.generator == other.generator and self.order == other.order and self.cofactor == other.cofactor ) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.curve, self.generator, self.order, self.cofactor))
[docs] def to_coords(self, coordinate_model: CoordinateModel) -> "DomainParameters": """ Convert the domain parameters into a different coordinate model, only possible if they are currently affine. :param coordinate_model: The target coordinate model. :return: The transformed domain parameters """ if not isinstance(self.curve.coordinate_model, AffineCoordinateModel): raise ValueError curve = self.curve.to_coords(coordinate_model) generator = self.generator.to_model(coordinate_model, curve) return DomainParameters(curve, generator, self.order, self.cofactor,, self.category)
[docs] def to_affine(self) -> "DomainParameters": """ Convert the domain parameters into the affine coordinate model, if possible. :return: The transformed domain parameters """ curve = self.curve.to_affine() generator = self.generator.to_affine() return DomainParameters(curve, generator, self.order, self.cofactor,, self.category)
def __get_name(self): if and self.category: return f"{self.category}/{}" elif return elif self.category: return self.category return "" def __str__(self): name = self.__get_name() if not name: name = str(self.curve) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({name})" def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.curve!r}, gen={self.generator!r}, ord={self.order}, cof={self.cofactor})"
[docs] @public class DomainParameterCategory: """A category of domain parameters.""" name: str description: str curves: List[DomainParameters] def __init__(self, name: str, description: str, curves: List[DomainParameters]): = name self.description = description self.curves = curves def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({})" def __iter__(self): yield from self.curves def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.curves def __len__(self): return len(self.curves) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.curves[item]
def _create_params(curve, coords, infty): if curve["field"]["type"] == "Binary": raise ValueError("Binary field curves are currently not supported.") if curve["field"]["type"] == "Extension": raise ValueError("Extension field curves are currently not supported.") # Get model and param names model: CurveModel field = int(curve["field"]["p"], 16) order = int(curve["order"], 16) cofactor = int(curve["cofactor"], 16) if curve["form"] == "Weierstrass": model = ShortWeierstrassModel() param_names = ["a", "b"] elif curve["form"] == "Montgomery": model = MontgomeryModel() param_names = ["a", "b"] elif curve["form"] == "Edwards": model = EdwardsModel() param_names = ["c", "d"] elif curve["form"] == "TwistedEdwards": model = TwistedEdwardsModel() param_names = ["a", "d"] else: raise ValueError("Unknown curve model.") params = { name: Mod(int(curve["params"][name]["raw"], 16), field) for name in param_names } # Check coordinate model name and assumptions coord_model: CoordinateModel if coords == "affine": coord_model = AffineCoordinateModel(model) else: if coords not in model.coordinates: raise ValueError("Coordinate model not supported for curve model.") coord_model = model.coordinates[coords] for assumption in coord_model.assumptions: # Try to execute assumption, if it works, check with curve parameters # if it doesn't work, move all over to rhs and construct a sympy polynomial of it # then find roots and take first one for new value for new coordinate parameter. try: alocals: Dict[str, Union[Mod, int]] = {} compiled = compile(assumption, "", mode="exec") exec(compiled, None, alocals) # exec is OK here, skipcq: PYL-W0122 for param, value in alocals.items(): if params[param] != value: raise_unsatisified_assumption( getconfig().ec.unsatisfied_coordinate_assumption_action, f"Coordinate model {coord_model} has an unsatisifed assumption on the {param} parameter (= {value}).", ) except NameError: k = FF(field) assumption_string = unparse(assumption).strip() lhs, rhs = assumption_string.split(" = ") expr = sympify(f"{rhs} - {lhs}") for curve_param, value in params.items(): expr = expr.subs(curve_param, k(value)) if ( len(expr.free_symbols) > 1 or (param := str(expr.free_symbols.pop())) not in coord_model.parameters ): raise ValueError( f"This coordinate model couldn't be loaded due to an unsupported assumption ({assumption_string})." ) poly = Poly(expr, symbols(param), domain=k) roots = poly.ground_roots() for root in roots: params[param] = Mod(int(root), field) break else: raise_unsatisified_assumption( getconfig().ec.unsatisfied_coordinate_assumption_action, f"Coordinate model {coord_model} has an unsatisifed assumption on the {param} parameter (0 = {expr} mod {field})." ) # Construct the point at infinity infinity: Point if infty: infinity = InfinityPoint(coord_model) else: ilocals: Dict[str, Union[Mod, int]] = {**params} for line in coord_model.neutral: compiled = compile(line, "", mode="exec") exec(compiled, None, ilocals) # exec is OK here, skipcq: PYL-W0122 infinity_coords = {} for coordinate in coord_model.variables: if coordinate not in ilocals: raise ValueError( f"Coordinate model {coord_model} requires infty option." ) value = ilocals[coordinate] if isinstance(value, int): value = Mod(value, field) infinity_coords[coordinate] = value infinity = Point(coord_model, **infinity_coords) elliptic_curve = EllipticCurve(model, coord_model, field, infinity, params) # type: ignore[arg-type] if "generator" not in curve: raise ValueError("Cannot construct curve, missing generator.") affine = Point( AffineCoordinateModel(model), x=Mod(int(curve["generator"]["x"]["raw"], 16), field), y=Mod(int(curve["generator"]["y"]["raw"], 16), field), ) if not isinstance(coord_model, AffineCoordinateModel): generator = affine.to_model(coord_model, elliptic_curve) else: generator = affine return DomainParameters( elliptic_curve, generator, order, cofactor, curve["name"], curve["category"] )
[docs] @public def load_category( file: Union[str, Path, BinaryIO, IO[bytes]], coords: Union[str, Callable[[str], str]], infty: Union[bool, Callable[[str], bool]] = True, ) -> DomainParameterCategory: """ Load a category of domain parameters containing several curves from a JSON file. :param file: The file to load from. :param coords: The name of the coordinate system to use. Can be a callable that takes as argument the name of the curve and produces the coordinate system to use for that curve. :param infty: Whether to use the special :py:class:`.InfinityPoint` (`True`) or try to use the point at infinity of the coordinate system. Can be a callable that takes as argument the name of the curve and returns the infinity option to use for that curve. :return: The category. """ if isinstance(file, (str, Path)): with open(file, "rb") as f: data = json.load(f) elif isinstance(file, (RawIOBase, BufferedIOBase, BinaryIO)): data = json.load(file) else: raise TypeError curves = [] for curve_data in data["curves"]: curve_coords = coords(curve_data["name"]) if callable(coords) else coords curve_infty = infty(curve_data["name"]) if callable(infty) else infty try: curve = _create_params(curve_data, curve_coords, curve_infty) except ValueError: continue curves.append(curve) return DomainParameterCategory(data["name"], data["desc"], curves)
[docs] @public def load_params( file: Union[str, Path, BinaryIO], coords: str, infty: bool = True ) -> DomainParameters: """ Load a curve from a JSON file. :param file: The file to load from. :param coords: The name of the coordinate system to use. :param infty: Whether to use the special :py:class:`.InfinityPoint` (`True`) or try to use the point at infinity of the coordinate system. :return: The curve. """ if isinstance(file, (str, Path)): with open(file, "rb") as f: curve = json.load(f) elif isinstance(file, (RawIOBase, BufferedIOBase, BinaryIO)): curve = json.load(file) else: raise TypeError return _create_params(curve, coords, infty)
[docs] @public def load_params_ecgen( file: Union[str, Path, BinaryIO], coords: str, infty: bool = True ) -> DomainParameters: """ Load a curve from a file that is output of `ecgen <>`_. :param file: The file to load from. :param coords: The name of the coordinate system to use. :param infty: Whether to use the special :py:class:`.InfinityPoint` (`True`) or try to use the point at infinity of the coordinate system. :return: The curve. """ if isinstance(file, (str, Path)): with open(file, "rb") as f: ecgen = json.load(f) elif isinstance(file, (RawIOBase, BufferedIOBase, BinaryIO)): ecgen = json.load(file) else: raise TypeError ecgen = ecgen[0] if "m" in ecgen["field"]: raise ValueError("Binary extension field curves not supported") if len(ecgen["subgroups"]) != 1: raise ValueError("Can not represent curve with two subgroups.") curve_dict = { "form": "Weierstrass", "field": { "type": "Prime", "p": ecgen["field"]["p"] }, "order": ecgen["subgroups"][0]["order"], # Take just the first subgroup "cofactor": ecgen["subgroups"][0]["cofactor"], "params": { "a": { "raw": ecgen["a"] }, "b": { "raw": ecgen["b"] } }, "generator": { "x": { "raw": ecgen["subgroups"][0]["x"] }, "y": { "raw": ecgen["subgroups"][0]["y"] } }, "name": None, "category": None } return _create_params(curve_dict, coords, infty)
[docs] @public def load_params_ectester( file: Union[str, Path, BinaryIO], coords: str, infty: bool = True ) -> DomainParameters: """ Load a curve from a file that uses the format of `ECTester <>`_. :param file: The file to load from. :param coords: The name of the coordinate system to use. :param infty: Whether to use the special :py:class:`.InfinityPoint` (`True`) or try to use the point at infinity of the coordinate system. :return: The curve. """ if isinstance(file, (str, Path)): with open(file, "r") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) line = next(iter(reader)) elif isinstance(file, (RawIOBase, BufferedIOBase, BinaryIO)): reader = csv.reader(list(map(lambda line: line.decode(), file.readlines()))) line = next(iter(reader)) else: raise TypeError if len(line) != 7: raise ValueError("Binary extension field curves not supported") # p,a,b,gx,gy,n,h (all in hex) curve_dict = { "form": "Weierstrass", "field": { "type": "Prime", "p": line[0] }, "order": line[5], "cofactor": line[6], "params": { "a": { "raw": line[1] }, "b": { "raw": line[2] } }, "generator": { "x": { "raw": line[3] }, "y": { "raw": line[4] } }, "name": None, "category": None } return _create_params(curve_dict, coords, infty)
[docs] @public def get_category( category: str, coords: Union[str, Callable[[str], str]], infty: Union[bool, Callable[[str], bool]] = True, ) -> DomainParameterCategory: """ Retrieve a category from the std-curves database at :param category: The category to retrieve. :param coords: The name of the coordinate system to use. Can be a callable that takes as argument the name of the curve and produces the coordinate system to use for that curve. :param infty: Whether to use the special :py:class:`.InfinityPoint` (`True`) or try to use the point at infinity of the coordinate system. Can be a callable that takes as argument the name of the curve and returns the infinity option to use for that curve. :return: The category. """ categories = { entry for entry in files("").joinpath("std").iterdir() if entry.is_dir() } if category not in categories: raise ValueError(f"Category {category} not found.") with categories[category].joinpath("curves.json").open("rb") as f: return load_category(f, coords, infty)
[docs] @public def get_params( category: str, name: str, coords: str, infty: bool = True ) -> DomainParameters: """ Retrieve a curve from a set of stored parameters. Uses the std-curves database at :param category: The category of the curve. :param name: The name of the curve. :param coords: The name of the coordinate system to use. :param infty: Whether to use the special :py:class:`.InfinityPoint` (`True`) or try to use the point at infinity of the coordinate system. :return: The curve. """ categories = { entry for entry in files("").joinpath("std").iterdir() if entry.is_dir() } if category not in categories: raise ValueError(f"Category {category} not found.") with categories[category].joinpath("curves.json").open("rb") as f: category_json = json.load(f) curve = None for curve in category_json["curves"]: if curve["name"] == name: break else: raise ValueError(f"Curve {name} not found in category {category}.") return _create_params(curve, coords, infty)