Source code for

from public import public
from .unroll import unroll_formula
from .base import Formula
import warnings
from typing import Dict
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
from ..curve import EllipticCurve
from ..context import DefaultContext, local

[docs] @public def formula_ivs(formula: Formula): one_unroll = unroll_formula(formula) one_results = {} for name, value in one_unroll: if name in formula.outputs: one_results[name] = value one_polys = set(map(itemgetter(1), one_unroll)) return one_polys, set(one_results.values())
[docs] @public def ivs_norm(one: Formula): return formula_ivs(one)[0]
[docs] @public def formula_similarity(one: Formula, other: Formula) -> Dict[str, float]: if one.coordinate_model != other.coordinate_model: warnings.warn("Mismatched coordinate model.") one_polys, one_result_polys = formula_ivs(one) other_polys, other_result_polys = formula_ivs(other) return { "output": len(one_result_polys.intersection(other_result_polys)) / max(len(one_result_polys), len(other_result_polys)), "ivs": len(one_polys.intersection(other_polys)) / max(len(one_polys), len(other_polys)), }
[docs] @public def formula_similarity_abs(one: Formula, other: Formula) -> Dict[str, float]: if one.coordinate_model != other.coordinate_model: warnings.warn("Mismatched coordinate model.") one_polys, one_result_polys = formula_ivs(one) other_polys, other_result_polys = formula_ivs(other) one_polys = set([f if f.LC() > 0 else -f for f in one_polys]) other_polys = set([f if f.LC() > 0 else -f for f in other_polys]) one_result_polys = set([f if f.LC() > 0 else -f for f in one_result_polys]) other_result_polys = set([f if f.LC() > 0 else -f for f in other_result_polys]) return { "output": len(one_result_polys.intersection(other_result_polys)) / max(len(one_result_polys), len(other_result_polys)), "ivs": len(one_polys.intersection(other_polys)) / max(len(one_polys), len(other_polys)), }
[docs] @public def formula_similarity_fuzz( one: Formula, other: Formula, curve: EllipticCurve, samples: int = 1000 ) -> Dict[str, float]: if one.coordinate_model != other.coordinate_model: raise ValueError("Mismatched coordinate model.") output_matches = 0.0 iv_matches = 0.0 for _ in range(samples): Paff = curve.affine_random() Qaff = curve.affine_random() Raff = curve.affine_add(Paff, Qaff) P = Paff.to_model(one.coordinate_model, curve) Q = Qaff.to_model(one.coordinate_model, curve) R = Raff.to_model(one.coordinate_model, curve) inputs = (P, Q, R)[: one.num_inputs] with local(DefaultContext()) as ctx: res_one = one(, *inputs, **curve.parameters) action_one = ctx.actions.get_by_index([0]) ivs_one = set( map(attrgetter("value"), sum(action_one[0].intermediates.values(), [])) ) with local(DefaultContext()) as ctx: res_other = other(, *inputs, **curve.parameters) action_other = ctx.actions.get_by_index([0]) ivs_other = set( map(attrgetter("value"), sum(action_other[0].intermediates.values(), [])) ) iv_matches += len(ivs_one.intersection(ivs_other)) / max( len(ivs_one), len(ivs_other) ) one_coords = set(res_one) other_coords = set(res_other) output_matches += len(one_coords.intersection(other_coords)) / max( len(one_coords), len(other_coords) ) return {"output": output_matches / samples, "ivs": iv_matches / samples}