Source code for

"""Provides an abstract base class of a formula along with concrete instantiations."""
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from ast import parse, Expression
from functools import cached_property

from astunparse import unparse
from itertools import product
from typing import List, Set, Any, ClassVar, MutableMapping, Tuple, Union, Dict

from import Traversable
from public import public
from sympy import FF, symbols, Poly, Rational, simplify
from ..misc.cache import sympify

from .context import ResultAction
from . import context
from .error import UnsatisfiedAssumptionError, raise_unsatisified_assumption
from .mod import Mod, SymbolicMod
from .op import CodeOp, OpType
from ..misc.cfg import getconfig
from ..misc.utils import peval

[docs]@public class OpResult: """Result of an operation.""" parents: Tuple op: OpType name: str value: Mod def __init__(self, name: str, value: Mod, op: OpType, *parents: Any): if len(parents) != op.num_inputs: raise ValueError( f"Wrong number of parents ({len(parents)}) to OpResult: {op} ({op.num_inputs})." ) self.parents = tuple(parents) = name self.value = value self.op = op def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): # TODO: This repr is broken for square and neg and inv. char = self.op.op_str parents = char.join(str(parent) for parent in self.parents) return f"{} = {parents}"
[docs]@public class FormulaAction(ResultAction): """Execution of a formula, on some input points and parameters, with some outputs.""" formula: "Formula" """The formula that was executed.""" inputs: MutableMapping[str, Mod] """The input variables (point coordinates and parameters).""" input_points: List[Any] """The input points.""" intermediates: MutableMapping[str, List[OpResult]] """Intermediates computed during execution.""" op_results: List[OpResult] """The intermediates but ordered as they were computed.""" outputs: MutableMapping[str, OpResult] """The output variables.""" output_points: List[Any] """The output points.""" def __init__(self, formula: "Formula", *points: Any, **inputs: Mod): super().__init__() self.formula = formula self.inputs = inputs self.intermediates = {} self.op_results = [] self.outputs = {} self.input_points = list(points) self.output_points = []
[docs] def add_operation(self, op: CodeOp, value: Mod): parents: List[Union[int, Mod, OpResult]] = [] for parent in op.parents: if isinstance(parent, str): if parent in self.intermediates: parents.append(self.intermediates[parent][-1]) elif parent in self.inputs: parents.append(self.inputs[parent]) else: parents.append(parent) result = OpResult(op.result, value, op.operator, *parents) li = self.intermediates.setdefault(op.result, []) li.append(result) self.op_results.append(result)
[docs] def add_result(self, point: Any, **outputs: Mod): for k in outputs: self.outputs[k] = self.intermediates[k][-1] self.output_points.append(point)
def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.formula})" def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.formula}, {self.input_points}) = {self.output_points}"
[docs]@public class Formula(ABC): """Formula operating on points.""" name: str """Name of the formula.""" shortname: ClassVar[str] """A shortname for the type of the formula.""" coordinate_model: Any """Coordinate model of the formula.""" meta: MutableMapping[str, Any] """Meta information about the formula, such as its source.""" parameters: List[str] """Formula parameters (i.e. new parameters introduced by the formula, like `half = 1/2`).""" assumptions: List[Expression] """Assumptions of the formula (e.g. `Z1 == 1` or `2*half == 1`).""" code: List[CodeOp] """The collection of ops that constitute the code of the formula.""" num_inputs: ClassVar[int] """Number of inputs (points) of the formula.""" num_outputs: ClassVar[int] """Number of outputs (points) of the formula.""" unified: bool """Whether the formula is specifies that it is unified.""" @cached_property def assumptions_str(self): return [unparse(assumption)[1:-2] for assumption in self.assumptions] def __validate_params(self, field, params): for key, value in params.items(): if not isinstance(value, Mod) or value.n != field: raise ValueError(f"Wrong param input {key} = {value}.") def __validate_points(self, field, points, params): # Validate number of inputs. if len(points) != self.num_inputs: raise ValueError(f"Wrong number of inputs for {self}.") # Validate input points and unroll them into input params. for i, point in enumerate(points): if point.coordinate_model != self.coordinate_model: raise ValueError(f"Wrong coordinate model of point {point}.") for coord, value in point.coords.items(): if not isinstance(value, Mod) or value.n != field: raise ValueError( f"Wrong coordinate input {coord} = {value} of point {i}." ) params[coord + str(i + 1)] = value def __validate_assumptions(self, field, params): # Validate assumptions and compute formula parameters. # TODO: Should this also validate coordinate assumptions and compute their parameters? is_symbolic = any(isinstance(x, SymbolicMod) for x in params.values()) for assumption, assumption_string in zip( self.assumptions, self.assumptions_str ): lhs, rhs = assumption_string.split(" == ") if lhs in params: # Handle an assumption check on value of input points. alocals: Dict[str, Union[Mod, int]] = {**params} compiled = compile(assumption, "", mode="eval") holds = eval(compiled, None, alocals) if not holds: # The assumption doesn't hold, see what is the current configured action and do it. raise_unsatisified_assumption( getconfig().ec.unsatisfied_formula_assumption_action, f"Unsatisfied assumption in the formula ({assumption_string}).", ) elif lhs in self.parameters and is_symbolic: # Handle a symbolic assignment to a new parameter. k = FF(field) expr = sympify(rhs, evaluate=False) for curve_param, value in params.items(): if isinstance(value, SymbolicMod): expr = expr.subs(curve_param, value.x) else: expr = expr.subs(curve_param, k(value)) params[lhs] = SymbolicMod(expr, field) else: k = FF(field) expr = sympify(f"{rhs} - {lhs}", evaluate=False) for curve_param, value in params.items(): if isinstance(value, SymbolicMod): expr = expr.subs(curve_param, value.x) else: expr = expr.subs(curve_param, k(value)) if ( len(expr.free_symbols) > 1 or (param := str(expr.free_symbols.pop())) not in self.parameters ): raise ValueError( f"This formula couldn't be executed due to an unsupported assumption ({assumption_string})." ) def resolve(expression, k): if not expression.args: return expression args = [] for arg in expression.args: if isinstance(arg, Rational): a = arg.p b = arg.q res = k(a) / k(b) else: res = resolve(arg, k) args.append(res) return expression.func(*args) expr = resolve(simplify(expr), k) poly = Poly(expr, symbols(param), domain=k) roots = poly.ground_roots() for root in roots: params[param] = Mod(int(root), field) break else: raise UnsatisfiedAssumptionError( f"Unsatisfied assumption in the formula ({assumption_string}).\n" f"'{expr}' has no roots in the base field {k}." ) def __call__(self, field: int, *points: Any, **params: Mod) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: """ Execute a formula. :param field: The field over which the computation is performed. :param points: Points to pass into the formula. :param params: Parameters of the curve. :return: The resulting point(s). """ from .point import Point self.__validate_params(field, params) self.__validate_points(field, points, params) if self.assumptions: self.__validate_assumptions(field, params) # Execute the actual formula. with FormulaAction(self, *points, **params) as action: for op in self.code: op_result = op(**params) # This check and cast fixes the issue when the op is `Z3 = 1`. # TODO: This is not general enough, if for example the op is `t = 1/2`, it will be float. # Temporarily, add an assertion that this does not happen so we do not give bad results. if isinstance(op_result, float): raise AssertionError( f"Bad stuff happened in op {op}, floats will pollute the results." ) if not isinstance(op_result, Mod): op_result = Mod(op_result, field) if context.current is not None: action.add_operation(op, op_result) params[op.result] = op_result result = [] # Go over the outputs and construct the resulting points. for i in range(self.num_outputs): ind = str(i + self.output_index) resulting = {} full_resulting = {} for variable in self.coordinate_model.variables: full_variable = variable + ind resulting[variable] = params[full_variable] full_resulting[full_variable] = params[full_variable] point = Point(self.coordinate_model, **resulting) if context.current is not None: action.add_result(point, **full_resulting) result.append(point) return action.exit(tuple(result)) def __str__(self): return f"{self.shortname}[{}]" def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({} for {self.coordinate_model})" def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state["assumptions"] = list(map(unparse, state["assumptions"])) return state def __setstate__(self, state): state["assumptions"] = list(map(peval, state["assumptions"])) self.__dict__.update(state) @property @abstractmethod def input_index(self): """Return the starting index where this formula reads its inputs.""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def output_index(self) -> int: """Return the starting index where this formula stores its outputs.""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def inputs(self) -> Set[str]: """Return the input variables of the formula.""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def outputs(self) -> Set[str]: """Return the output variables of the formula.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def num_operations(self) -> int: """Return the number of operations.""" return len(list(filter(lambda op: op.operator is not None, self.code))) @property def num_multiplications(self) -> int: """Return the number of multiplications.""" return len(list(filter(lambda op: op.operator == OpType.Mult, self.code))) @property def num_divisions(self) -> int: """Return the number of divisions.""" return len(list(filter(lambda op: op.operator == OpType.Div, self.code))) @property def num_inversions(self) -> int: """Return the number of inversions.""" return len(list(filter(lambda op: op.operator == OpType.Inv, self.code))) @property def num_powers(self) -> int: """Return the number of powers.""" return len(list(filter(lambda op: op.operator == OpType.Pow, self.code))) @property def num_squarings(self) -> int: """Return the number of squarings.""" return len(list(filter(lambda op: op.operator == OpType.Sqr, self.code))) @property def num_addsubs(self) -> int: """Return the number of additions and subtractions.""" return len( list(filter(lambda op: op.operator in (OpType.Add, OpType.Sub), self.code)) )
class EFDFormula(Formula): """Formula from the [EFD]_.""" def __init__( self, meta_path: Traversable, op3_path: Traversable, name: str, coordinate_model: Any, ): = name self.coordinate_model = coordinate_model self.meta = {} self.parameters = [] self.assumptions = [] self.code = [] self.unified = False self.__read_meta_file(meta_path) self.__read_op3_file(op3_path) def __read_meta_file(self, path: Traversable): with"rb") as f: line = f.readline().decode("ascii").rstrip() while line: if line.startswith("source"): self.meta["source"] = line[7:] elif line.startswith("parameter"): self.parameters.append(line[10:]) elif line.startswith("assume"): self.assumptions.append( parse( line[7:].replace("=", "==").replace("^", "**"), mode="eval" ) ) elif line.startswith("unified"): self.unified = True line = f.readline().decode("ascii").rstrip() def __read_op3_file(self, path: Traversable): with"rb") as f: for line in f.readlines(): code_module = parse( line.decode("ascii").replace("^", "**"), str(path), mode="exec" ) self.code.append(CodeOp(code_module)) def __str__(self): return f"{self.coordinate_model!s}/{}" @cached_property def input_index(self): return 1 @cached_property def output_index(self): return max(self.num_inputs + 1, 3) @cached_property def inputs(self): return { var + str(i) for var, i in product( self.coordinate_model.variables, range(1, 1 + self.num_inputs) ) } @cached_property def outputs(self): return { var + str(i) for var, i in product( self.coordinate_model.variables, range(self.output_index, self.output_index + self.num_outputs), ) } def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, EFDFormula): return False return ( == and self.coordinate_model == other.coordinate_model ) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.coordinate_model,
[docs]@public class AdditionFormula(Formula, ABC): """Formula that adds two points.""" shortname = "add" num_inputs = 2 num_outputs = 1
[docs]@public class AdditionEFDFormula(AdditionFormula, EFDFormula): pass
[docs]@public class DoublingFormula(Formula, ABC): """Formula that doubles a point.""" shortname = "dbl" num_inputs = 1 num_outputs = 1
[docs]@public class DoublingEFDFormula(DoublingFormula, EFDFormula): pass
[docs]@public class TriplingFormula(Formula, ABC): """Formula that triples a point.""" shortname = "tpl" num_inputs = 1 num_outputs = 1
[docs]@public class TriplingEFDFormula(TriplingFormula, EFDFormula): pass
[docs]@public class NegationFormula(Formula, ABC): """Formula that negates a point.""" shortname = "neg" num_inputs = 1 num_outputs = 1
[docs]@public class NegationEFDFormula(NegationFormula, EFDFormula): pass
[docs]@public class ScalingFormula(Formula, ABC): """Formula that somehow scales the point (to a given representative of a projective class).""" shortname = "scl" num_inputs = 1 num_outputs = 1
[docs]@public class ScalingEFDFormula(ScalingFormula, EFDFormula): pass
[docs]@public class DifferentialAdditionFormula(Formula, ABC): """ Differential addition formula that adds two points with a known difference. The first input point is the difference of the third input and the second input (`P[0] = P[2] - P[1]`). """ shortname = "dadd" num_inputs = 3 num_outputs = 1
[docs]@public class DifferentialAdditionEFDFormula(DifferentialAdditionFormula, EFDFormula): pass
[docs]@public class LadderFormula(Formula, ABC): """ Ladder formula for simultaneous addition of two points and doubling of the one of them, with a known difference. The first input point is the difference of the third input and the second input (`P[0] = P[2] - P[1]`). The first output point is the doubling of the second input point (`O[0] = 2 * P[1]`). The second output point is the addition of the second and third input points (`O[1] = P[1] + P[2]`). """ shortname = "ladd" num_inputs = 3 num_outputs = 2
[docs]@public class LadderEFDFormula(LadderFormula, EFDFormula): pass