Source code for

"""Provides an elliptic curve class."""
from ast import Module
from astunparse import unparse
from copy import copy
from typing import MutableMapping, Union, List, Optional, Dict, Set

from public import public
from sympy import FF
from ..misc.cache import sympify

from .coordinates import CoordinateModel, AffineCoordinateModel
from .error import raise_unsatisified_assumption
from .mod import Mod
from .model import CurveModel
from .point import Point, InfinityPoint
from ..misc.cfg import getconfig

[docs] @public class EllipticCurve: """Elliptic curve.""" model: CurveModel """The model of the curve.""" coordinate_model: CoordinateModel """The coordinate system of the curve.""" prime: int """The prime specifying the base prime field of the curve.""" parameters: MutableMapping[str, Mod] """The values of the parameters defining the curve, these cover the curve model and coordinate system parameters.""" neutral: Point """The neutral point on the curve.""" def __init__( self, model: CurveModel, coordinate_model: CoordinateModel, prime: int, neutral: Point, parameters: MutableMapping[str, Union[Mod, int]], ): if coordinate_model not in model.coordinates.values() and not isinstance( coordinate_model, AffineCoordinateModel ): raise ValueError if ( set(model.parameter_names) .union(coordinate_model.parameters) .symmetric_difference(parameters.keys()) ): raise ValueError self.model = model self.coordinate_model = coordinate_model = prime self.parameters = {} for name, value in parameters.items(): if isinstance(value, Mod): if value.n != prime: raise ValueError(f"Parameter {name} has wrong modulus.") else: value = Mod(value, prime) self.parameters[name] = value self.neutral = neutral self.__validate_coord_assumptions() def __validate_coord_assumptions(self): for assumption in self.coordinate_model.assumptions: # Try to execute assumption, if it works, check with curve parameters # if it doesn't work, move all over to rhs and construct a sympy polynomial of it # then find roots and take first one for new value for new coordinate parameter. try: alocals: Dict[str, Union[Mod, int]] = {} compiled = compile(assumption, "", mode="exec") exec(compiled, None, alocals) # exec is OK here, skipcq: PYL-W0122 for param, value in alocals.items(): if self.parameters[param] != value: raise_unsatisified_assumption( getconfig().ec.unsatisfied_coordinate_assumption_action, f"Coordinate model {self.coordinate_model} has an unsatisifed assumption on the {param} parameter (= {value}).", ) except NameError: k = FF( assumption_string = unparse(assumption).strip() lhs, rhs = assumption_string.split(" = ") expr = sympify(f"{rhs} - {lhs}") for curve_param, value in self.parameters.items(): expr = expr.subs(curve_param, k(value)) if len(expr.free_symbols) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Missing necessary coordinate model parameter ({assumption_string})." ) if k(expr) != 0: raise_unsatisified_assumption( getconfig().ec.unsatisfied_coordinate_assumption_action, f"Coordinate model {self.coordinate_model} has an unsatisifed assumption on the {param} parameter (0 = {expr})." ) def _execute_base_formulas(self, formulas: List[Module], *points: Point) -> Point: for point in points: if not isinstance(point.coordinate_model, AffineCoordinateModel): raise ValueError("Coordinate model of point is not affine.") if point.coordinate_model.curve_model != self.model: raise ValueError("Curve model of point does not match the curve.") locls = { var + str(i + 1): point.coords[var] for i, point in enumerate(points) for var in point.coords } locls.update(self.parameters) for line in formulas: exec(compile(line, "", mode="exec"), None, locls) # exec is OK here, skipcq: PYL-W0122 if not isinstance(locls["x"], Mod): locls["x"] = Mod(locls["x"], if not isinstance(locls["y"], Mod): locls["y"] = Mod(locls["y"], return Point(AffineCoordinateModel(self.model), x=locls["x"], y=locls["y"])
[docs] def affine_add(self, one: Point, other: Point) -> Point: """ Add two affine points using the affine addition formula. Handles the case of point at infinity gracefully (short-circuits). :param one: One point. :param other: Another point. :return: The addition of the two points. """ if isinstance(one, InfinityPoint): return other if isinstance(other, InfinityPoint): return one if one == other: return self.affine_double(one) return self._execute_base_formulas(self.model.base_addition, one, other)
[docs] def affine_double(self, one: Point) -> Point: """ Double an affine point using the affine doubling formula. Handles the case of point at infinity gracefully (short-circuits). :param one: A point. :return: The doubling of the point. """ if isinstance(one, InfinityPoint): return one return self._execute_base_formulas(self.model.base_doubling, one)
[docs] def affine_negate(self, one: Point) -> Point: """ Negate an affine point using the affine negation formula. Handles the case of point at infinity gracefully (short-circuits). :param one: A point. :return: The negation of the point. """ if isinstance(one, InfinityPoint): return one return self._execute_base_formulas(self.model.base_negation, one)
[docs] def affine_multiply(self, point: Point, scalar: int) -> Point: """ Multiply an affine point by a scalar using the affine doubling and addition formulas. Handles the case of point at infinity gracefully (short-circuits). :param point: The point to multiply. :param scalar: The scalar to use. :return: The scalar multiplication of `point`. """ if isinstance(point, InfinityPoint): return point if not isinstance(point.coordinate_model, AffineCoordinateModel): raise ValueError("Coordinate model of point is not affine.") if point.coordinate_model.curve_model != self.model: raise ValueError("Curve model of point does not match the curve.") q = copy(point) r = copy(point) for i in range(scalar.bit_length() - 2, -1, -1): r = self.affine_double(r) if scalar & (1 << i) != 0: r = self.affine_add(r, q) return r
@property def affine_neutral(self) -> Optional[Point]: """ Get the neutral point in affine form, if it has one, otherwise ``None``. :return: The affine neutral point or ``None``. """ if not self.neutral_is_affine: return None locls = {**self.parameters} for line in self.model.base_neutral: exec(compile(line, "", mode="exec"), None, locls) # exec is OK here, skipcq: PYL-W0122 if not isinstance(locls["x"], Mod): locls["x"] = Mod(locls["x"], if not isinstance(locls["y"], Mod): locls["y"] = Mod(locls["y"], return Point(AffineCoordinateModel(self.model), x=locls["x"], y=locls["y"]) @property def neutral_is_affine(self): """Whether the neutral point is an affine point.""" return bool(self.model.base_neutral)
[docs] def is_neutral(self, point: Point) -> bool: """ Check whether the point is the neutral point. :param point: The point to test. :return: Whether it is the neutral point. """ return self.neutral == point
[docs] def is_on_curve(self, point: Point) -> bool: """ Check whether the point is on the curve. :param point: The point to test. :return: Whether it is on the curve. """ if point.coordinate_model.curve_model != self.model: return False if self.is_neutral(point): return True if isinstance(point.coordinate_model, AffineCoordinateModel): loc = {**self.parameters, **point.coords} else: loc = {**self.parameters, **point.to_affine().coords} return eval(compile(self.model.equation, "", mode="eval"), loc) # eval is OK here, skipcq: PYL-W0123
[docs] def to_coords(self, coordinate_model: CoordinateModel) -> "EllipticCurve": """ Convert this curve into a different coordinate model, only possible if it is currently affine. :param coordinate_model: The target coordinate model. :return: The transformed elliptic curve. """ if not isinstance(self.coordinate_model, AffineCoordinateModel): raise ValueError return EllipticCurve(self.model, coordinate_model,, self.neutral.to_model(coordinate_model, self), self.parameters) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def to_affine(self) -> "EllipticCurve": """ Convert this curve into the affine coordinate model, if possible. :return: The transformed elliptic curve. """ coord_model = AffineCoordinateModel(self.model) return EllipticCurve(self.model, coord_model,, self.neutral.to_affine(), self.parameters) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def decode_point(self, encoded: bytes) -> Point: """ Decode a point encoded as a sequence of bytes (ANSI X9.62). This decoding is the same as ANSI X9.63 for the affine coordinate system and for others it only implements the uncompressed variant. .. warning:: The point is not validated to be on the curve (if the uncompressed encoding is used). :param encoded: The encoded representation of a point. :return: The decoded point. """ if encoded[0] == 0x00 and len(encoded) == 1: return InfinityPoint(self.coordinate_model) coord_len = ( + 7) // 8 if encoded[0] in (0x04, 0x06): data = encoded[1:] if len(data) != coord_len * len(self.coordinate_model.variables): raise ValueError("Encoded point has bad length") coords = {} for var in sorted(self.coordinate_model.variables): coords[var] = Mod(int.from_bytes(data[:coord_len], "big"), data = data[coord_len:] return Point(self.coordinate_model, **coords) elif encoded[0] in (0x02, 0x03): if isinstance(self.coordinate_model, AffineCoordinateModel): data = encoded[1:] if len(data) != coord_len: raise ValueError("Encoded point has bad length") x = Mod(int.from_bytes(data, "big"), loc = {**self.parameters, "x": x} rhs = eval(compile(self.model.ysquared, "", mode="eval"), loc) # eval is OK here, skipcq: PYL-W0123 if not rhs.is_residue(): raise ValueError("Point not on curve") sqrt = rhs.sqrt() yp = encoded[0] & 0x01 if int(sqrt) & 0x01 == yp: y = sqrt else: y = -sqrt return Point(self.coordinate_model, x=x, y=y) else: raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError( f"Wrong encoding type: {hex(encoded[0])}, should be one of 0x04, 0x06, 0x02, 0x03 or 0x00" )
[docs] def affine_lift_x(self, x: Mod) -> Set[Point]: """ Lift an x-coordinate to the curve. :param x: The x-coordinate. :return: Lifted (affine) points, if any. """ loc = {**self.parameters, "x": x} ysquared = eval(compile(self.model.ysquared, "", mode="eval"), loc) # eval is OK here, skipcq: PYL-W0123 if not ysquared.is_residue(): return set() y = ysquared.sqrt() return {Point(AffineCoordinateModel(self.model), x=x, y=y), Point(AffineCoordinateModel(self.model), x=x, y=-y)}
[docs] def affine_random(self) -> Point: """Generate a random affine point on the curve.""" while True: x = Mod.random( loc = {**self.parameters, "x": x} ysquared = eval(compile(self.model.ysquared, "", mode="eval"), loc) # eval is OK here, skipcq: PYL-W0123 if ysquared.is_residue(): y = ysquared.sqrt() b = Mod.random(2) if b == 1: y = -y return Point(AffineCoordinateModel(self.model), x=x, y=y)
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, EllipticCurve): return False return ( self.model == other.model and self.coordinate_model == other.coordinate_model and == and self.parameters == other.parameters ) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.model, self.coordinate_model,, tuple(self.parameters.keys()), tuple(self.parameters.values()))) def __str__(self): return "EllipticCurve" def __repr__(self): params = ", ".join((f"{key}={val}" for key, val in self.parameters.items())) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}([{params}] p={} on {self.coordinate_model})"