Source code for

"""Provides a coordinate model class."""
from ast import parse, Module
from import Traversable
from importlib_resources import as_file
from typing import List, Any, MutableMapping

from public import public

from .formula.base import Formula
from .formula.efd import (

[docs] @public class CoordinateModel: """A coordinate system for a particular model(form) of an elliptic curve.""" name: str """Name of the coordinate model""" full_name: str """Full name.""" curve_model: Any """The curve model.""" variables: List[str] """Variables that the coordinate model uses.""" satisfying: List[Module] """Relationship between the coordinate system and affine coordinates.""" toaffine: List[Module] """Map to affine coordinates from system coordinates.""" tosystem: List[Module] """Map from coordinate system to affine coordinates.""" homogweights: MutableMapping[str, int] """Weights that homogenize the coordinates.""" parameters: List[str] """Coordinate system parameters.""" assumptions: List[Module] """Assumptions that need to hold for the curve to use this coordinate system, also used to compute the values of the coordinate system parameters.""" neutral: List[Module] """Coordinates of the neutral point in the coordinate system, might contain expressions of parameters.""" formulas: MutableMapping[str, Formula] """Formulas available on the coordinate system.""" def __str__(self): return f"{self.curve_model.shortname}/{}" def __repr__(self): return ( f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{}", curve_model={self.curve_model})' )
[docs] @public class AffineCoordinateModel(CoordinateModel): name = "affine" full_name = "Affine coordinates" def __init__(self, curve_model: Any): self.curve_model = curve_model self.variables = ["x", "y"] self.satisfying = [] self.toaffine = [] self.tosystem = [] self.parameters = [] self.assumptions = [] self.neutral = [] self.formulas = {} def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, AffineCoordinateModel): return False return self.curve_model == other.curve_model def __hash__(self): return hash((self.curve_model,
class EFDCoordinateModel(CoordinateModel): """A coordinate model from [EFD]_ data.""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): _, name, curve_model = args if name in curve_model.coordinates: return curve_model.coordinates[name] return object.__new__(cls) def __init__(self, dir_path: Traversable, name: str, curve_model: Any): = name self.curve_model = curve_model self.variables = [] self.satisfying = [] self.toaffine = [] self.tosystem = [] self.homogweights = {} self.parameters = [] self.assumptions = [] self.neutral = [] self.formulas = {} for entry in dir_path.iterdir(): with as_file(entry) as file_path: if entry.is_dir(): self.__read_formula_dir(file_path, file_path.stem) else: self.__read_coordinates_file(file_path) def __read_formula_dir(self, dir_path: Traversable, formula_type): for entry in dir_path.iterdir(): with as_file(entry) as fpath: if fpath.suffix == ".op3": continue formula_types = { "addition": AdditionEFDFormula, "doubling": DoublingEFDFormula, "tripling": TriplingEFDFormula, "diffadd": DifferentialAdditionEFDFormula, "ladder": LadderEFDFormula, "scaling": ScalingEFDFormula, "negation": NegationEFDFormula, } cls = formula_types.get(formula_type, EFDFormula) self.formulas[fpath.stem] = cls( fpath, fpath.with_suffix(".op3"), fpath.stem, self ) def __read_coordinates_file(self, file_path: Traversable): with"rb") as f: line = f.readline().decode("ascii").rstrip() while line: if line.startswith("name"): self.full_name = line[5:] elif line.startswith("variable"): self.variables.append(line[9:]) elif line.startswith("neutral"): try: code = parse(line[8:].replace("^", "**"), mode="exec") self.neutral.append(code) except SyntaxError: pass elif line.startswith("satisfying"): try: code = parse(line[11:].replace("^", "**"), mode="exec") self.satisfying.append(code) except SyntaxError: pass elif line.startswith("toaffine"): try: code = parse(line[9:].replace("^", "**"), mode="exec") self.toaffine.append(code) except SyntaxError: pass elif line.startswith("tosystem"): try: code = parse(line[9:].replace("^", "**"), mode="exec") self.tosystem.append(code) except SyntaxError: pass elif line.startswith("homogweight"): try: var, weight = line[11:].split("=") self.homogweights[var.strip()] = int(weight) except SyntaxError: pass elif line.startswith("parameter"): self.parameters.append(line[10:]) elif line.startswith("assume"): self.assumptions.append( parse(line[7:].replace("^", "**"), mode="exec") ) line = f.readline().decode("ascii").rstrip() def __getnewargs__(self): return None,, self.curve_model def __getstate__(self): return {} def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, EFDCoordinateModel): return False return self.curve_model == other.curve_model and == def __hash__(self): return hash((self.curve_model,