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Provides classes for tracing the execution of operations.

The operations include key generation, scalar multiplication, formula execution and individual operation evaluation.
These operations are traced in `Context` classes using `Actions`. Different contexts trace actions differently.

A :py:class:`DefaultContext` traces actions into a tree as they are executed (a scalar
multiplication actions has as its children an ordered list of the individual formula executions it has done).

A :py:class:`PathContext` works like a :py:class:`DefaultContext` that only traces an action on a particular path
in the tree.
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Optional, ContextManager, Any, Tuple, Sequence, Callable

from public import public

[docs] @public class Action: """An Action.""" inside: bool def __init__(self): self.inside = False def __enter__(self): if current is not None: current.enter_action(self) self.inside = True return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if current is not None: current.exit_action(self) self.inside = False
[docs] @public class ResultAction(Action): """An action that has a result.""" _result: Any = None _has_result: bool = False @property def result(self) -> Any: if not self._has_result: raise AttributeError("No result set") return self._result
[docs] def exit(self, result: Any): if not self.inside: raise RuntimeError("Result set outside of action scope") if self._has_result: return self._has_result = True self._result = result return result
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if ( not self._has_result and exc_type is None and exc_val is None and exc_tb is None ): raise RuntimeError("Result unset on action exit") super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
[docs] @public class Tree(OrderedDict): """A recursively-implemented tree."""
[docs] def get_by_key(self, path: List) -> Any: """ Get the value in the tree at a position given by the path. :param path: The path to get. :return: The value in the tree. """ if len(path) == 0: return self value = self[path[0]] if len(path) == 1: return value elif isinstance(value, Tree): return value.get_by_key(path[1:]) else: raise ValueError
[docs] def get_by_index(self, path: List[int]) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """ Get the key and value in the tree at a position given by the path of indices. The nodes inside a level of a tree are ordered by insertion order. :param path: The path to get. :return: The key and value. """ if len(path) == 0: raise ValueError key = list(self.keys())[path[0]] value = self[key] if len(path) == 1: return key, value elif isinstance(value, Tree): return value.get_by_index(path[1:]) else: raise ValueError
[docs] def repr(self, depth: int = 0) -> str: """ Construct a textual representation of the tree. Useful for visualization and debugging. :param depth: :return: The resulting textual representation. """ result = "" for key, value in self.items(): if isinstance(value, Tree): result += "\t" * depth + str(key) + "\n" result += value.repr(depth + 1) else: result += "\t" * depth + str(key) + ":" + str(value) + "\n" return result
[docs] def walk(self, callback: Callable[[Any], None]) -> None: """ Walk the tree, depth-first, with the callback. :param callback: The callback to call for all values in the tree. """ for key, val in self.items(): callback(key) if isinstance(val, Tree): val.walk(callback)
def __repr__(self): return self.repr()
[docs] @public class Context(ABC): """ Context is an object that traces actions which happen. There is always one context active, see functions :py:func:`getcontext`, :py:func:`setcontext` and :py:func:`resetcontext`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def enter_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Enter into an action (i.e. start executing it). :param action: The action. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def exit_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Exit from an action (i.e. stop executing it). :param action: The action. """ raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] @public class DefaultContext(Context): """Context that traces executions of actions in a tree.""" actions: Tree current: List[Action] def __init__(self): self.actions = Tree() self.current = []
[docs] def enter_action(self, action: Action) -> None: self.actions.get_by_key(self.current)[action] = Tree() self.current.append(action)
[docs] def exit_action(self, action: Action) -> None: if len(self.current) < 1 or self.current[-1] != action: raise ValueError self.current.pop()
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.actions!r}, current={self.current!r})"
[docs] @public class PathContext(Context): """Context that traces targeted actions.""" path: List[int] current: List[int] current_depth: int value: Any def __init__(self, path: Sequence[int]): """ Create a :py:class:`PathContext`. :param path: The path of an action in the execution tree that will be captured. """ self.path = list(path) self.current = [] self.current_depth = 0 self.value = None
[docs] def enter_action(self, action: Action) -> None: if self.current_depth == len(self.current): self.current.append(0) else: self.current[self.current_depth] += 1 self.current_depth += 1 if self.path == self.current[: self.current_depth]: self.value = action
[docs] def exit_action(self, action: Action) -> None: if self.current_depth != len(self.current): self.current.pop() self.current_depth -= 1
def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.current!r}, depth={self.current_depth!r})" )
current: Optional[Context] = None class _ContextManager: def __init__(self, new_context): # TODO: Is this deepcopy a good idea? self.new_context = deepcopy(new_context) def __enter__(self) -> Optional[Context]: global current # This is OK, skipcq: PYL-W0603 self.old_context = current current = self.new_context return current def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): global current # This is OK, skipcq: PYL-W0603 current = self.old_context
[docs] @public def local(ctx: Optional[Context] = None) -> ContextManager: """ Use a local context. :param ctx: If none, current context is copied. :return: A context manager. """ return _ContextManager(ctx)